African Organisation of Supreme
Audit Institutions

The voice of African SAIs



1st President of the Senegalese Court of Accounts

President of AFROSAI

Ms. Mbah Acha Rose Fomundam

Minister Delegate at the Presidency of the Republic in charge of the Supreme State Audit Office of Cameroon

Secretary General of AFROSAI

Key dates

Creation of AFROSAI

Created in 1976 in Yaoundé, this regional group of'' International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), which brought together only the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of the 54 countries of the African continent, was housed by the SAI of Togo.

Drafting of the first statutes

In 2005 after having traveled a long road marked out by the drafting of the first Status and the establishment of certain management bodies of the Organisation, the General Secretariat of AFROSAI was transferred to Libya.

This year 2005 also marks the recognition of the linguistic and institutional diversity of the SAIs of AFROSAI, on the one hand, and the consecration of the Linguistic Sub-Groups in order to capitalize on the existing diversities, on the other hand.

Adoption of the first strategic plan 2009-2011

Refusing to stay on the sidelines of developments and changes taking place at the global level, AFROSAI successfully undertook in 2008 the development of its very first Strategic Plan. This one, which will last three years, was articulated around four strategic priorities which made it possible to lay the foundations for the support that AFROSAI provides to its member SAIs and to forge channels for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and experiences within it and within the international accountability community. 

Transfer of the organisation's headquarters to Yaoundé in Cameroon

This year marks the transfer of the Organization's headquarters to Yaoundé.

First inter-regional cooperation agreement

Signature of the first cooperation agreement (MoU) between AFROSAI and the sister regional organization that is OLACEFS.

Membership of sub-regional and continental institutions

Since 2013, AFROSAI has been enriched with members with a sub-regional and continental vocation. It is:

The UEMOA Court of Accounts;

The African Union Commission.

Adoption of the new Statutes

The new Statutes have been adopted by the Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) or their representatives present at the Ordinary General Assembly of the African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI), held on March 17 and 18, 2022 in Dakar, Senegal.

  • Values

    • Transparency
    • Credibility
    • Solidarity
    • Innovation
    • Integration
    • Equality
  • Missions

    1. Act as a spokesperson and defender of the interests of its member SAIs at the continental level with a view to advocating for their independence;
    3. Promote and sustain capacity building, cooperation and continuous improvement of the performance of member SAIs through the exchange of ideas, knowledge and professional and technical experience in public finance auditing;
  • Vision

    AFROSAI, a leading international organization at the service of good financial governance, serving as an open platform for African Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), for the pooling of assets and experiences, promoting the emergence of strong SAIs, independent and credible.